I'm so glad you're here, stick around, there's so much more to come! 
xo Robin

a while

Hey there!
Find your way
robin joy - yoga & coaching

Welcome to my online yoga studio! Join me for yoga classes, workshops and 1:1 life coaching. 


Yoga that makes life

Ever hear the saying, "You should meditate for at least an hour daily, and if you don't have time for that, you should meditate for two hours." 
I'm thinking we should start with 15 minutes and see how it goes! 

Download a free meditation practice for busy minds. 

free meditation

Robin Joy here! I'm so excited you've found your way to my little corner of the internet. I'm here to help you create space for practices that nourish you & support you to feel grounded, balanced, and comfortable in your body.

I'm here to help you find more time for YOU.

Hey desk sitters & day dreamers,

learn more about  me

are you a cat - err... yoga lover too?

Welcome to my online studio! After nearly 14 years of sharing in person yoga classes, I'm moving my classes online. 

Why? Let's just say the cat distribution system has treated me well over the past few months and what was once my studio has now become a bit of a cat sanctuary. 

This felt like the perfect time to decentralize my teaching & switch up the way I share the practice of yoga with this community. 

I'm a nature loving, coffee-fueled yoga lover with a soft-heart for stray cats. 

Hey friend!

Embracing the slow pace of transformation through practicing yoga. 

How to set yourself up for consistency and enjoyment with your home practice. 

my random thoughts about practice.

Are you ready to experience the alchemical magic of yoga? 

I'm so glad you're here, stick around, there's so much coming soon! 


Hey there!
yoga & life coaching
Free Meditation